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Bus Safety
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Added Jul 31, 2023
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whether you ride the bus everyday or just occasionally for field trips it is important to know what to do in case of an emergency while bus emergencies are very rare we still need to be prepared so that we can keep everyone as safe as possible all of our buses are equipped with fire extinguishers radios and first aid kits these items allow our trained staff to deal with emergencies as quickly and effectively as possible and you can help out by learning what you should do in case of an emergency on the school bus first of all there are five simple things that you need to do number one listened carefully to the bus driver they are in charge of the bus and your safety so it is very important that you listen to them where to stay quiet your bus driver will have instructions for you to follow and if you were talking or making noise you won't be able to hear what they're telling you to do number 3 leave everything on the bus your backpacks gold notebooks or whatever else you are carrying are not nearly as important as you are in order to evacuate everyone quickly and safely we must leave our belongings behind number for stay seated until you are told to get up lots of students running around can really make things more confusing and difficult for everyone to be safe wait for your bus driver to tell you to get up a number five always remember to remain calm in any emergency situation it is important not to panic running pushing or shoving other people will only make the situation worse but if you stay calm and helpful we can keep everyone as safe as possible and some rare instances such as a trap accident fire or weather-related emergency you may have to leave the bus there are very specific ways to do this each of our buses are equipped with four types of exits front side rear improve each of these exits has their own way of operating but they are all clearly marked and designed to get you to safety. play as possible emergency requires you to leave the bus the bus driver will give you specific instructions on what to do they will tell you what type of evacuation you will be having their will normally be to designated student first it will guide you as you move away from the bus the driver will give you specific directions for each evacuation type always remember to listen carefully and follow their instructions walk carefully and remain calm driver will make sure that no one is Left Behind the front exit of the bus is the most commonly used exit it's the one that you use every day when loading and offloading the bus it is also the most common exit used in an emergency situation exit the bus as you normally would the rear exit 10 allow you to exit the bus if the front exit is blocked rear exits are often doors or windows that will open out and allow you to exit the vehicle safe side exits are also windows or doors built into the bus to allow you to exit the side exits sometimes have a fold-up seat to make accessing the door easier in addition to these emergency exit call McNairy County school buses are also equipped with roof exits these can also be used as air vents if the bus is on its side or all other exits are blocked these exits can be used all emergency exits are park with clear instructions on how to use the exit so that they can be operated as necessary remember in case of an emergency listen remain quiet leave your belongings wait for instructions and above all remain calm but safety is important and now you know how to do your part in an emergency
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